It seems the cold weather has brought our landlords building activites to a holt. The old wheel barrow and cement mixer just sit in the rain now where they were left one warm day long ago.
It is the second week of school holidays here right now and the whole family is sick. We all seem to have some sort of flu, Jade has had it for over two weeks now and Amber still hasn't kicked it since her stay in hospital. It doesn't really make fun school holidays for the girls.
I am looking forward to warmer weather when the kids can go outside to play and not get sick from the cold. I never thought I would say this, but.... bring back summer!
.... Just another day ....
Hoping you all feel better soon.
Hope everyone feels better soon. I hate when my kids are sick.
BTW- I showed my husband your blog last night and he was really impresssed with your photography.
Sounds like it's time for some tea, honey and really good DVDs. Hope you all feel better soon!
Feel better soon! It seems so foreign to me for it to be cold in July!
I LOVE those pictures...
Great photos! If it makes you feel any better, it has been hot to the point of being unbearable here! Plus, the apartment complex is driving us crazy with constant construction! It seems like we're living in opposites right now!
I hope everyone has a refuah shleima soon!
Hope you feel better love the black and white.
Finally, I finished the tag from Mr. Bagel!! Now I can move on with my day..I've had that looming over my head since he tagged me while on vacation.
Have a great day!
Sorry to hear you are all sick...It's been 110-117F (no this isn't a typing mistake) here in Arizona for several weeks. I would kill for the cold.
Maureen: Thanks :)
Little Birdies: Thankyou for your lovely comment, flattery will get you anywhere and everywhere on this blog! Lol! It is very stressful when the kids are sick, I am looking forward to winter being over!
MizEllie: Sounds wonderful, except the kids have taken over the DVD player...but the cuppa would be nice! :D
Frumhouse: Thanks and thanks! Lol!
Raggedy: Ha! Opposites indeed, I hope you have air con! Stay cool!
SWFM: Thanks :D
Crusty: I will have to pop over and take a look, I haven't been blog visiting over the past few days.
Marsha: And I think it gets hot here! I hope you have air conditioning! Hopefullu it will cool down a bit very soon.
Hope you're alright..I notice no blog postings, either!
Take care of yourself and those kiddies, stay warm, and soon enough you'll have softspoken temperatures, while we prepare to freeze our tuchies off in the midwestern states.
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