As we are all aware it is JIB time. Nominations have now finished and it is now voting time from the 22nd April to the 29th.
I am happy to say, my blog is nominated for Best Photo/Graphics Blog and also Best Personal Blog.
I know I have only been blogging for 10 months but, If you would like to vote for me in either (or both! :P) categorys please click on the titles below. Even though I have no expectations of winning any award, votes would be greatly apprecited and each one counts! Thankyou to all who have voted for me so far!!
Vote for me for Best Photo/Graphics Blog here
Vote for me for Best Personal Blog here
Voting is very quick and easy - no registration is required.
And while you are there... Please consider voting for my cute and lovable husband Mr Bagel (BagelBlogger). He puts a HUGE amount of effort, time and work into his blog and deserves an award for his efforts far more than I do. He is nominated for:
Best New Blog
Best Designed Blog
Best Of The Rest Blog
Best Overall Blog
You got my vote :)
DONE, my lady, Done...
Good luck to you!!
JBM & Crusty, thank you both very much, I really appreciate your votes.
count me in too
good luck BB
Hey Hey!
Haven't heard from you in a while?!
Been looking for you what happened to your old site?
Drop me a line we need to catch up ;)
I voted for you in both :)
Well done and well deserved! Of course I voted for you. :-)
I did vote for you!
An Award?? OMG! Good stuff!
You can count on my vote too =)
I think somethings off with your dates...it's reflecting april 30th before we're even there..
How's things?
Looking forward to seeing more!
Even without the reminder, my vote went to you, B! And don't hate me because I tagged you!
FPL: Thankyou! :D
Tony: Will email you shortly, sorry I haven't been in touch, hope all is well :D
Jeff: Thanks, much appreciated
MizEllie: Thank you so much, I am not so sure that it is so deserved though. My blog is just my blog, where rambled thoughts just come out of my head. LOL! :)
Frumhouse: Thanks heaps!
POD: Thanks :)
Crusty: date is set ahead because it is a sticky post that I want to stay at the top for a few days. Regular postings are underneath.
Things are good here, what about you? How is those gorgeous little one of yours?
Raggedy: Ever reliable, thank you so much... and you are a naughty naughty girl! Lol! I will do it, but it will probably have to be after the weekend... and I don't know how go it will be! Actually, you may find it interesting, since I have never been religious in my life until early last year and therefore have had different ideas on what is suitable dress.
Thank you all so much for your support, I am amazed at how well I am doing in the votes - it has really surprised me.
Crusty, sorry about the last sentence of the reply to your comment above. I have just re read it and realised how many errors I made, sorry.
It did say 'how is that gorgeous little one of yours?' because I have only seen one, but I changed the sentence because I know you have 3 kids and now the sentence is a mess!! Sorry.
Honey, I voted too. (and for your better half :))
Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?
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