Welcome to the 17th edition of the much loved Kosher Cooking Carnival!

It is quite an honour to be hosting this months edition, a special thankyou to Batya from Me-ander for not only starting this carnival all those months ago but also for her help in sending me links for this edition.
The Kosher Cooking Carnival comes out monthly and guest-hosts are welcome. Here's the list of the previous KCC's: KCC #1, KCC #2, KCC #3, KCC #4, KCC #5, KCC #6, KCC #7, KCC #8, KCC #9, KCC #10, KCC #11, KCC #12, KCC #13, KCC #14, KCC #15 and KCC #16!
You can check out what's new and old on Blog Carnival, and you can also add the automatically updated KCC "widget" and/or listing to your own blog.
Now, lets get straight into it. There have been lots of links to include, I hope I haven't left anyone out, if I have, I apologise in advance.
Passover may have come and gone, but there is still Passover blog talk and these recipes may be a little too late for Passover this year, but are just too good to not include, and after all, there is always next year - print them out and put them in your recipe book!
There was a lot of talk recently about the decision Rabbi David Bar-Hayim, the rabbi who heads the Machon Shilo made last month regarding the eating of legumes during passover, Batya shares her thoughts on the topic with us in 'Maybe he shouldn't have started with Kitniyot'.
Gillian Polack from over at Food History presents Passover preparations and shares with us a great biscuit recipe of her Mothers - sounds delicious!

She also gives us a peek into her home with 'Pesach so far' and shares a great chicken soup recipe in 'Food, Family and....'.
I think we are all aware of Batya's brillance in the kitchen, she has proven to be a very creative cook as she has shown with her veggie pies in her post ' Pre-Pesach Creativity or The World's Easiest Vegetable Pie!' YUM!

My goodness, Ted has been very busy, check out his post 'Right Before The Seder' and all the wonderful photos that come with it!
He also shares with us a fantastic 'Fruit Salad' recipe, not forgetting to mention the Grandma (Bubby) Sarah Video Series Of Passover RecipesGrandma (Bubby) Sarah's Potato Kugel', 'Grandma (Bubby) Sarah's Matzah Balls' and 'Grandma (Bubby) Sarah's Gefilte Fish'
Catherine over at Albion Cooks presents us with her version of 'Farmers' Market Matzo Ball Soup' - looks wonderful!
Lydia at The Perfect Pantry delights us with her Matzoh Brei recipe - delicious!

Now for something a little bit different, Ariela from Baking and Books shares with us 'Ethiopian Siga Wot'.
Tamara Eden may be sick of Matzah but she's sure getting creative and cooking up a storm with her Matzah Pizza, Parmesan Grilled Matzah and Matzah Brittle.
Soccer Dad asks 'Why is this food different from all other food' in which he includes a couple of great photos of Potato Kugel and some delicious soup.

Jewish Blogmeister updates us on 'Le Maraislll: The Lawsuit continues...' and also presents us with a great eBay oppertunity.... To bid on The Rights to the First Pizza After Peasach..., wondering how much it's selling for?... go have a look!
Adena over at the MotherThoughts blog has written a very interesting post about growing up in a kosher house. Now that she is married she doesn't keep kosher, read her story in her post "To Be or Not To Be...Kosher."

The Martha Stewart web site also has some great recipes including a whole section on Passover Entertaining which, I know is a bit late for this year but may be handy for reference next year. They also have recipes for all year through.
Now that Passover is over, lets move on to some more everyday recipes!

Frum Satire has posted his own interesting indepth reviews of various pasta sauces, check it out!
A Bisele Babka shares a great bread machine recipe for Challah. I must admit, I to have a bread machine and I love it, I use it every Friday for making Challah, it make the job so easy!
The lovely RaggedyMom also sent me this great recipe:
Flounder in Spicy Tomato Sauce
adapted from the "Spice and Spirit" cookbook
I use this as a substitute for gefilte fish more often than not. I season it a little more heavily than the cookbook calls for, omit the water, and use less fish. Double as needed. My kids are young, but have grown to really like the spices and vegetables too. It's especially tasty when served hot.
1 lb box frozen flounder fillets (or other fish)
2-3 Tbsp. oil
1 large onion, diced
1 green pepper, diced
4-5 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp. chili powder
1 tsp. ground cinammon
1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
1 15-oz. can tomato sauce
Defrost fish and separate fillets. If desired, the fish can be cut up resulting in more of a stew.
Heat oil in large skillet, and saute onion and pepper until soft. Add garlic, then remaining seasonings. After a moment, once the vegetables are well-seasoned, add tomato sauce. Simmer 10 minutes until smooth and incorporated. Stir from bottom to bring up vegetables.
Lay slices or chunks of fish over the seasoned sauce in skillet, and simmer another 15 minutes, or until fish seems done (flakes with a fork).
Delicious alone or over rice. Make sure you have extra challah on hand if this is a Shabbos appetizer - we love to dip ours in the sauce!
Sounds wonderful!
Psycho Toddler recently featured in the article What Doctors Eat in Milwakee Magazine.
As an Australian, I found Gillian Polack's post "Jewish Butcher Story" about two shochetim who arrived in Australia in the 1960's quite a funny tale, pop over to Food History and have a read - you will enjoy it!

Elisson presents us with "Comfort"... in the form of home-made-from-scratch chicken soup - the perfect cold weather comfort food.
Batya always comes up with great recipes, she has "A Couple Of Recipes" posted over at Me-Ander - the vegetable kugel sounds and looks fantastic!
This following recipe was sent in by Fred Reifenberg. I am not sure if Fred has a blog - I wasn't sent a link, but here is his recipe - it sounds wonderful, I can't wait to try it out!
Go stuff your smoked salmon
6 oz. smoked salmon, chopped
One half cup mayonnaise
One half cup Parmesan cheese, grated
One quarter cup green onion, chopped
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
2 Tbsp. fresh dill, minced
2 Tbsp. olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
4 large Belgian endives
Combine all ingredients except endive in a bowl and mix well. Fill endive with mixture and chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Endive is a form of lettuce that has small oblong heads. When the leaves are pulled away from the head they resemble a small boat; just perfect for stuffing.
The Skinny: Use light or low fat mayo.

Recipe Zaar is a excellent web site that has a dedicated section to Kosher Cooking and recipes - in fact they have over 4000 kosher recipes and loads of colourful photos so certainly worth having a look at.
Last but certainly not least is not a blog, but a great web site with loads of interesting links The Orthodox Union.

They have a great web site which you can find information on The Basics of Kosher, Behind the Union Symbol, Kosher Videos, Newly Certified, Kosher News and Events, and of course Kosher Alerts, plus much more, make sure you check it out.
That's it for this months edition of the KCC. If I left anyone out, I apologise, please submit your article again to be included in next months edition.
If you'd like to host an edition of KCC, please contact Batya at shilohmuse at yahoo dot com.
And of course, send your kosher food links to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via blog carnival, since this carnival is based primarily on submitted contributions, not searches. And please don't forget to remind your readers to visit and try out the recipes.
Happy reading... and cooking!
.... Just another day ....
WOW! Great work there! I was so suprised when I just did a technorati search and discovered I was in your Kosher Cooking Carnival. I have a bunch of recipes/photos anyway, on my flicker account under "food" if you ever need some. They are all kosher based on ingredients.
Anyway, thanks so much for thinking of and including me.
Ditto what Tamara said! I'm happy to have included my world (or at least Milwaukee) famous "Cheerios with Benefiber" recipe!
Tamara, you are more than welcome! They are great recipes, thanks for posting them!
PT, Lol! I thought you would be! :D
You are the greatest!
This is the absolute best KCC yet!!!!
Thank you so much!!!
Thanks Batya, incase you can't tell, I really enjoyed putting it together :D
I would love to host again sometime soon.
Great job!!
nice job... i wish i had time and energy to try all these recipes! (although not pesach... glad that's over for this year.)
man am I hungry now!!
Great post! Thanks for digging up my matzoh brei recipe, too. I'm having fun exploring some new blogs that you've mentioned here.
Thank you all! Your comments are much appreciated!
excellent job! My hat's off to you!
Yum! Thanks for the inclusion, Baleboosteh! I'm going to check out this extensive collection of recipes later today!
Thanks Steven, it was fun!
Raggedy, you are more than welcome!
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