Welcome to the 19th Edition of the
Kosher Cooking Carnival.
Kosher Cooking Carnival.
The Kosher Cooking Carnival is a monthly treat of kosher blog posts from all over the blogosphere. KCC is not just recipes - any post that relates to kosher eating will be included and guest-hosts are welcome.
Here's the list of the previous KCC's: KCC #1, KCC #2, KCC #3, KCC #4, KCC #5, KCC #6, KCC #7, KCC #8, KCC #9, KCC #10, KCC #11, KCC #12, KCC #13, KCC #14, KCC #15, KCC #16, KCC #17 and KCC #18.
Now, lets get straight into it. I hope I haven't left anyone out, if I have, I apologise in advance.

If you are looking for a Very simple, no sugar breakfast, it seems Batya has the answer!
Thanks to Batya's persistance, Cosmic X has proven he is quite the wiz in the kitchen with his Za'atar Eggs.
The Chocolate Lady came across some ladies in the street preparing Zongzi, she has posted a great photo post of the process as well as recipe links.

I'm a biologist speaks of 'My First Carnival' and shares a great recipe for a 'light and springy' challah.
Soccer Dad also presents us with a challah post in The 6 Braided Challah with great before and after pics too!
Frugal Journey shares with us a recipe from her Mother In Law, Fancy Orzo, Bubby Style and also gives us a great bruschetta recipe to make out of left over stale bread!

I'm a Biologist has a very interseting post Adjusting to Israeli Cooking after making Aliyah, the post includes a lovely Tuna Pashtida recipe too. Yum!
A Mother In Israel presents us with two great posts - A Cooking Legacy and also Homemaking Goddess, make sure you check them both out.
Shoshana over at YeSHEvish has a mouth watering Cheese Cake recipe...Yum!
Tamara Eden shares an interesting story with us in My Melons - great photos too!

The Jewish Life has a topical post in Baked Beans with Pork Labeled Kosher - Oops! and also shares with us a delicious recipe in Easy Three Bean Salad.
The Perfect Pantry discusses Kosher Salt, an interesting post which also includes a recipe for Moroccan Eggplant Salad.
Rafi G at Life In Israel puts forward some interesting points in 'Is one hechsher better than the next?'
Jewish Blogmeister has an interesting post - 5 Towns Restaurant Update: Goodbye Dougies? and also has started a new segment Best in Kosher Food : Dietetic! and Best in Kosher Food : Dietetic III.
Soccer Dad thinks his daughter may be a chocoholic... 4 signs my 5 year old is a chocoholic.

Are you a salad lover? Batya over at Me-Ander discusses salads for all seasons in Seasonal Salads.
Batya also proves why we have to be so careful and ask what is in the food we eat in her post Hidden: Dairy, Meat and Traif.
I would also like to point out that KCC now has an entry in Wikipedia! You can check it out here.
That's it for this months edition of the KCC, I hope everyone has enjoyed it!
If you'd like to host an edition, please contact Batya at shilohmuse at yahoo dot com, Batya is looking for a host for the next edition of KCC due in July in particular.
Send your kosher food links to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via blog carnival, since this carnival is based primarily on submitted contributions, not searches. And please don't forget to remind your readers to visit and try out the recipes.
Happy reading... and cooking!
Hey there,
Thanks so much for including my melons in your post! Everybody loves a pair of good melons afterall.
I'll have to do some more cooking stuff soon.
Wonderful, wonderful job!!
Thanks so much!!!
great job. now I am hungry. thanks.
What a great collection of links, so beautifully formatted and researched! Thank you for including mine in this list, too!
All the best,
since i don't do the cooking or the baking please show me to the tasting area
actually, my son does more cooking and baking then I do, he enjoys to help out n the kitchen.
needless to say that my daughter is pretty good in the kitchen, i bought her a present 2 of the Kosher Cooking by design series. by Susie Fishcbein
Mmmmmmm, these all look yummy. I'm getting hungry just looking at them! I'm holding you personally responsible for any sudden weight gain!@ ;-)
All that food makes me hungry
Wow, these look amazing! Maybe we will try one of these recipes on our site.
We did do one on gefilte fish that was pretty awesome:
Wow great article, I really enjoyed that.
Jewish Directory
I am happy to find this very useful for me, as it contains lot of information. I always prefer to read the quality content
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