The photo above is of Amber eating her breakfast a couple of weeks ago. She is looking so good now, she is healthy, happy and really enjoying school. She is now able to run around just like all the other kids without getting really puffed out and tired.
The photos below are of amber in hospital. The quality of the photos aren't to great as they were taken with my film camera and then scanned, so the colour is a little bit funny, but anyway it gives an insight into what she has been through recently. Why am I posting them now? Because it has taken me 5 months to finally get the camera film processed!!

Above and below: Approx 1 hour after surgery in ICU. It is quite scary at first walking in to a room and seeing your child rigged up to so many machines.
Below: 1 day after surgery, still in ICU of course. The actual incision was not the worst part from my point of view - the four big thick drainage tubes sticking out of her chest was worse by far. It is hard to tell from the photos, but the tubes were about a centimeter thick.

She was also feeling happier at this point as long as the nurse stayed away from her.

They say that they forget most of it as they get older, but I don't know about that....
.... Just another day ....
Your sweet baby looks great. It's hard to believe she had such a serious surgery only five months ago! Those tubes..and the incision... really do look scary. What a brave girl!
oh bless her! she looks great now! thanks for the comment!
Mizellie, I find it hard to believe it is only 5 months ago too, it seems like such a long time ago now. She is a tough little thing! :D
Pod, thanks for visiting! She is doing great - thank goodness, we have been very lucky this time around.
Baruch Hashem. Seeing those pictures of her in the hospital bed bring tears to my eyes. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to know that it was your child going through this.
I am so glad she is doing so well.
Baruch Hashem!!!!!!!!!!! She is such a strong spirited girl...and she looks just like you. G-d Bless the things that you've had to undergo...I'm glad that she's made such incredible progress.
I used to be a surgical tech and spent many times wheeling patients after heart surgery into the ICU...never saw a child though go through it. The emotions you must have felt...overwhelming!!
Thank your stars and keep on blogging..
She's so beautiful! Thank Gd we have the technology to help so many. It must have been terrifying for all of you to go through this experience; I'm glad she's doing so well.
But I can only imagine what the poor clerk at the photo lab must have thought seeing this pictures!! ;)
It aches my hurt to see the pictures of Amber in the hospital. She is such a brave girl, so glad she is doing so great now!
Thank G-d she is doing well! It's like night and day between her now and before photos. What a miracle!
Baruch Hashem, bli eyin haraa. She seems to be doing great.
I'm so glad to hear she's doing well. She should continue to grow better and stronger every day, b'ezrat Hashem!
Wow. You and Aaron, and of course Amber, are so brave for what you've endured! It's wonderful to see that photo of Amber nearly half a year post-op looking so terrific!
HI B... She is a fighter Im glad she is doing well. Keep up with the good spirits. CS
ASJ: me too! :D
Marsha: thanks :D
Crusty: thanks as always. Sounds like you have some real insight.
Projen: good to see you again! I hadn't thought of the photo lab people! You are right!
JS: She is a tough little thing!
Frumhouse: It is like night and day, it is hard to believe it is only a few months ago.
Muse: thanks, she is :D
Scraps: Thankyou so much :)
Raggedy: We really didn't have a choice... we are very lucky to have her and her health. :D
CS: good to see you again back on the blogs. She is a fighter.
Thanks everyone for all your kind comments.
Wow--you are a strong woman with all you've been through.
Must be tough and you seem great about everything. The pics gave me chills and just thinking about that I have a daughter the same age wow, how appreciative I have to be of her health.
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