Anyway, they came in and pointed out... some cobwebs up in the vaulted ceiling in the loft that we don't use. Ok, I am not going to make excuses, there are a couple of cobwebs there, but the roof is sooo high I have nothing that reaches fully and the exposed roof beams are rough sawn wood and don't take to well to the feather duster. Oh, and just as important and damaging as the cobwebs, they also complained about our winter firewood pile. "It's a pitty you can't put it around the back somewhere." she snarled. Well, duh, we would if there was somewhere to put it undercover where it won't get wet when it rains and besides that, we are not allowed to drive across the back lawn!... Photos below of the very offensive wood pile...
There was two of them to do the inspection. One inparticular didn't take to well to the full sized Israel flag hanging in the computer room/studio downstairs and our rather large bookshelf which is full of only Jewish books in our bedroom upstairs - she didn't say anything but you should have seen the look on her face!
Ah, to just have a little bit of privacy would be nice....

.... Just another day ....
Inspectors don't feel like they've done their job unless they find something. If cobwebs were the worst they could come up with you must have done a pretty amazing job!c
UGH...just thinking about all that work you did makes my headspin...Hope it went well...I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!
Good grief! What is this "real estate inspection" business? I never heard of such a ridiculous thing. As long as your property isn't an eyesore and bringing down the value of all the other houses in the area, who cares if you have some spiders keeping you company? Sheesh.
How many more months until you move??
We had a mosquito inspection guy come the other day...I've never heard of something like that. He went around dumping out all of our standing water and warning us about west nile virus. We get warned all the time by the insurance guy about things like the firewood and we had to build a closet inside the house for it, which was later deemed a fire hazerd. If they want to find something...they will.
So is this the same landlord who'se been snooping and causing all the other problems? Time to get out.
MizEllie, to true! I think that is exactly right, it seems to be a real control thing.
Crusty, my head is still spinning! Lol!
Scraps, it is just one of the joys of renting a house here. They are supposed to come through the house every 3 months to make sure it is not being damaged.
Babka, 6 months. We have decided to stay until the girls finish school this year rather than pull them out of school mid year and have them start at a new school mid year.
Sara, you are right, if they want to find something there is always something to complain about.
Evan, yes it is. Won't be long now! :D
Sheesh. Here, they just take a month's rent (maybe in some places two months' rent?) as a security deposit and if you damaged the property you just don't get your security deposit back.
On the bright side, your home looks quaint and lovely from the outside!
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