I just though I would share a few photos of our 'non-bustling' little country town. As you can plainly see it is a hive of activity.... not.
Basically the 'shops' in our town consist of: 2 Timber Slabs shops, both of which are closed unless it is tourist season (1st and 5th photos), A Pub (of course! 2nd photo), a Post Office, 2 Petrol Stations and a Bakery. Plus the Motel, Fire Station and the Primary School. There's not a lot to choose from!
It is not really the most exciting town on the planet, it is kind of cute... if you are passing through, and you pretty much have to drive a long way to see anything exciting. Most of the people that live here have lived here for 30+ years and everyone seems to be related in some way or another...but anyway here are some photos I took this morning after taking the girls to school.
The other thing I wanted to say today is that the Jewish and Israeli Blog Award's voting finishes at 10pm US EDT on the 16th May (which is around 12 lunchtime Thursday 17th for my Aussie readers). I am currently coming 2nd in Best Photo/Graphics Blog - it is really close between 1st, 2nd and 3rd. So with around 18 hours of voting time to go, if you haven't yet voted, now is the time to do it!
If you would like to vote for me in "Best Jewish Photo/Graphics Blog", you can do so here.
.... Just another day ....
Great pictures once again!
Lovely town. Don't the teens get bored?
Aren't you moving soon?
I really need to change my bookmark for you. I have you still bookmarked under another name and I end up having to go to my comments' section to find your page. You got my vote, even if we're running close. Promise.
I love the "Simply Slabs" sign! Your town looks lovely.
It may be boring to you guys - but it looks amazingly quaint to me over here!
maybe to boring to live there all the time but would be the ideal place to run away.. looks like shtetl in Hungary
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