The Barber Shop...drop in and get your mullet trimmed...
I haven't written a post since last Friday, I have been working on another (creative) project that has taken any spare time I have had.
I have been out and about quite a bit over the past couple of days, I took the photo of the Barber shop on the weekend. There has been a few things going on in the blogging world too...
Of course there is the JBlog Bunch contest over at BagelBlogger that I spoke of in my last post. If you haven't been and had a look/guess pop over as the answers will be reveled sometime Monday US (Tuesday Australia & Israel) time and a new JBlog Bunch will be posted ready for linking with the correct blogs.
Kosher Cooking Carnivals 18th edition is up over at Me-Ander. As usual the lovely Batya has done a marvellous job in putting it all together. There are loads of great links, so make sure you go take a look if you haven't already! Also I will be hosting next month so start thinking about any food posts/recipes that you can submit.
Rafi over at Life In Israel is hosting this weeks JPix due out this Thursday 24th. If you have any photo posts that you would like to included please submit them straight away so they can be included! Time is running out!
To all the people who always leave me comments, thankyou and I am sorry I haven't been able to visit so many blogs over the past few days - hopefully I will be able to catch up on everyone in the next few days. Same goes for the emails I still haven't got around to answering - hopefully I will have time to reply real soon.
Last but not least, congratulations to all the people that won a JIB... honestly... and fairly...
I have been out and about quite a bit over the past couple of days, I took the photo of the Barber shop on the weekend. There has been a few things going on in the blogging world too...
Of course there is the JBlog Bunch contest over at BagelBlogger that I spoke of in my last post. If you haven't been and had a look/guess pop over as the answers will be reveled sometime Monday US (Tuesday Australia & Israel) time and a new JBlog Bunch will be posted ready for linking with the correct blogs.
Kosher Cooking Carnivals 18th edition is up over at Me-Ander. As usual the lovely Batya has done a marvellous job in putting it all together. There are loads of great links, so make sure you go take a look if you haven't already! Also I will be hosting next month so start thinking about any food posts/recipes that you can submit.
Rafi over at Life In Israel is hosting this weeks JPix due out this Thursday 24th. If you have any photo posts that you would like to included please submit them straight away so they can be included! Time is running out!
To all the people who always leave me comments, thankyou and I am sorry I haven't been able to visit so many blogs over the past few days - hopefully I will be able to catch up on everyone in the next few days. Same goes for the emails I still haven't got around to answering - hopefully I will have time to reply real soon.
Last but not least, congratulations to all the people that won a JIB... honestly... and fairly...
.... Just another day ....
Busy is good. But remember to take time for you.
Hope all is well!
Great post, by the way. I always love it reading this site.
Glad things are hopping over there! Have a wonderful holiday!
Thanks for the KCC link and good luck on #19!
I love that barbershop pic!
I don't know how you find the time. I love the barber shop shot. gut yom yov!
Where is the Balebee?
Hope all is well.
Crusty: busy is good... and thanks for your lovely comments as always! :D
Raggedy: they are indeed!
Muse: you are welcome and thankyou!
Sara with no H: thanks
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